Rich Kistler
RAZOR CITY REALTY 307-660-5699


"The Cutting Edge of Real Estate"

We are one of the most trusted Northeast Wyoming real estate companies, hands down. Why? Razor City Realty is a local, specialized brand that has superior credibility; we are known as a company of market experts with current, cutting-edge real estate information, trends, and analysis. We focus all of this expertise on ensuring an exceptionally personal experience, to build long-lasting relationships with our clients.

 We are your experienced partner for buying, selling, renting and property management:

  • Trusted resource for answers about the process
  • Over 50 years of experience in selling Wyoming properties
  • Innovative marketing strategies through cutting edge technology
  • Expertise about neighborhood features
  • Ability to target home searches
  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Support through the closing and beyond
  • Luxury real estate marketing


Link to full blog post article

Top 4 Deal Killers for Homebuyers

Falling in love is exhilarating. It can also be a bit scary, especially when a home has captured your heart. What if something goes wrong and you end up not spending the rest of your life with this stack of brick and mortar you're lusting after? No matter how careful you are, some deal killers are unavoidable. Others, however, are preventable, so pay heed if you hope to keep your deal alive. 1. Don't Mess with Your Mortgage Preapproval A common reason for a real estate deal to fall apart is that many homebuyers don't fully understand the mortgage process. Sure, you may get a loan preapproval, but don't think for one…
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Rich Kistler

Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024 MLS and FBS. Prepared by Campbell County Board of Realtors on Oct 15, 2024 3:12:pm The information on this sheet has been made available by the MLS and may not be the listing of the provider.
Sheridan County listings last updated Oct 15, 2024 3:05:pm.